Archive for the ‘garden’ Category

day 3: a whole new yard

Sunday, April 4th, 2010

What a difference a day makes! It really does look like we have a whole new yard.

Yesterday morning began with the arrival of a tri-axel filled with Smithfield Peat’s finest screened loam/compost mix. Impressive. The Savages broke out the big guns…

tri-axel truck arrives full of loam

7:30 am, Adam starts with a little more grading out back with the mini excavator…

7:30 am grading begins

You can hardly even tell the water collection tank is there. Well, except for the giant manhole covers and the filter, of course. We’ll remove one of those covers and screen it all with plants soon enough…

water collection manholes

For future reference, David marked down where the overflow piping and other underground bits of the system are hiding. Probably a good idea…

rain collection diagram

The veggie zone got raked out…

ready to spread compost in veggie zone

… then the loam was brought in and spread with the bobcat. So rich, it looks like brownie mix…

loaming veggie zone

Our plants are going to be soooo spoiled…

finished veggie zone

Rich and Mr. Savage perfected the grade out back so that water would flow away from the house and down the slope…

getting the grade right so water will drain

Then it was ready for loam…

back ready for loam

Which  Adam had spread in no time…

backyard with loam

Ever since we moved in, I’ve been looking forward to finding a new home for five fairly young rhododendrons. The last owner must have put them in hoping to add privacy to the downstairs patio area… which is ridiculous for several reasons. One: those suckers take forever to grow, so there wouldn’t be privacy screening for at least another decade. And Two: they planted them practically on top of each other and way too close to the pathway — hard to believe looking at them now, but these will be monsters when they finally reach 12′ tall and 12′ across…

row of rhodos

So Mr. Savage dug them up for Rich to take home with him. Plant them and love them, Story!

bye rhodos

Mr. Savage added a little soil and smoothed out the eroded slope along the road…

adding to slope

… the entire 100′ foot length of it. Wow, that looks incredible!

slope prepped and ready for curlex

Then Rich and Shiva dug a shallow trench along the top of the slope where the biodegradable Curlex erosion control matting will be secured…

digging the trench up top

That was a lot of digging…

top of slope trench

Then the two of them rolled the Curlex down the slope…

first roll of curlex

… and secured it with our natural, biodegradable staples at the top and bottom.

second roll of curlex

Up the hill, down the hill, up the hill… and so on. Thanks, Rich!

two more rolls

sixth roll of curlex

closeup curlex

twelfth roll of curlex

By late afternoon, the slope was completely transformed. The Curlex won’t break down for three years, which is plenty of time for plants to get established. Speaking of which, the plants arrive this Tuesday…

end of rolls

Meanwhile, David made a trip to Sylvan Nursery in Westport, MA, to pick up our focal point tree for the backyard…

tree in truck

Doesn’t look like much in the truck…

tree arrives

After months of deliberation, I finally settled on a Betula nigra Cully Heritage River Birch. Yes, I considered many other gorgeous options — Perrotia Persica (Persian Ironwood),  Stewartia Pseudocamillia (Japanese Stewartia), Fagus Sylvatica Tortuosa (Tortuous European Beech) and Cercidiphyllum Japonicium (Katsura or Caramel Tree), were top contenders. But the size and multi-trunked habit of the Heritage Birch was just right. I’ve been stalking just such a tree in a neighborhood where I run. This is what it looked last last summer…

heritage cullen birch

The peeling bark is really something…

birch bark closeup

So with the help of Adam in the bobcat, Shiva, David and Rich got the tree up the slope…

tree wrangling

… and hoisted it into the hole..

putting tree in hole

And, voila! Landscaping has officially begun. Thanks to Shiva and Ellen for making the tree-sleuthing trip to Sylvan last week to find the perfect specimen for us. It’s gawgeous!

tree planted

Birches grow quickly, so this should fill out nicely in no time. Will look lovely from the living area…

goodnight yard

Thank you so much Savages. You rawk!

savage trucking

day 2: major progress

Friday, April 2nd, 2010

Who needs Good Friday when you can have Amazingly Awesome Friday, like we had today?

First things first. David finished plumbing the rainwater collection system, connecting the anti-backflow valve and laying the overflow pipe into a bed of gravel in the trench that was dug yesterday. Looks crazy, doesn’t it?

water collection overflow piping for runoff

Then the overflow piping got covered in crushed stone and the trench was backfilled with dirt…

gravel atop overflow

The piping trench alongside the house got brought back up to grade with dirt…

side yard and veggie garden soil spread

Then the gravel bed for that 2′ buffer around the house got spread. Eventually, we’ll add galvanized steel edging to hold and define it, then this buffer will get topped off with smooth, black beach pebbles (3rd house down at link for example)…

gravel buffer added on side yard

At the back of the house, the patio area was readied for a bed of crushed stone…


Crushed stone was spread to about 6″ deep today. This will form the bed for the concrete strips to be poured some day in the not too distant future…

gravel gets spread for patio bed

The world’s most awesome worker bees raking out all that gravel…

patio and backyard buffer gravel get spread

Have I mentioned lately how much I love you guys?

full buffer view

With the upper level done, the boys moved down to the storage area under the patio and dug that out a few inches in preparation for tomorrow’s loam arrival…

storage zone gets prepped

And with that, the day was done.

Tomorrow, a tad more grading, loam spreading and erosion control matting will get secured to the front slope. See you then!

day 1: dirt slinging

Thursday, April 1st, 2010

Busy day in the yard. I’ll keep it brief.

Dug the ramp to get the equipment up the slope and into the yard…

digging the ramp

First stop: the future veggie/herb/fruit area, which until now has only been ripe with the tripping-hazard roots of straggling juniper and the unsympathetic thorns of flowering quince…

juniper removal

Adam scraped up the undesirables…

digging veggie garden

Rich spread the dirt around in preparation for the good loam to come in soon…

veggie garden dirt spreading

Digging of the trench alongside the house began. Water will be collected from the roof and channeled to piping that will run to the giant water collection tank…

digging trench along house

Where there weren’t boulders in the way, there were cantankerous roots to subdue…

digging up a cantankerous root

The trench was brought around the corner to the tank…

more trench digging

Then the water collection piping got sorted out…

water collection piping gets sorted out

… and hooked up.

piping gets laid in and hooked up to tank

The overflow piping starts to go in…

overflow piping

While David sorts out the tank piping, the boys dug out the patio area so that it will be ready for the arrival of a few inches of crushed stone tomorrow…

patio area prepped for crushed stone

And Adam made quick work of removing the lead soil along the neighbor’s property line…

lead remova1 along the property line

The nasty soil got carted over to the dump truck and hauled away…

lead soil gets moved to dump truck

A good sized stump made the trip as well…

tree stump gets dug up

We accidentally displaced some newborn snakes while digging today. These are harmless Northern Brown Snakes. They like to eat slugs, which is fine by me…

found baby snakes!

Also unearthed a relic from the days when this was the back forty for a former sizable estate at the top of the hill…

unearthed bottle

Back to the water collection tank. A massive trench was dug for the overflow piping…

overflow trench gets dug

When I say massive, I mean over my head…

trench canyon

We can now visit the Grand Canyon — without leaving home!

boys with big equipment

Wednesday, March 31st, 2010

They dropped it off today — the big equipment. Round Two of the yard makeover starts tomorrow at 7 a.m. This means digging the trench for the water collection piping, final grading, topping off with good loam and much-needed erosion control for the front slope.

Here’s the lineup…

heavy equip 1

heavy equipment 2

heavy equipment 3

Can’t wait to get this moving so we can finally get some plants in the ground. We did some necessary property line defining today in preparation for the soil that’s coming.

garden digging

Which reminds me that I need to order some heavy-duty steel edging, asap. I’ll get right on that. In the meantime…



Tuesday, March 30th, 2010

You want a washout? Yeah, we got that…

slope washout

That slope used to be slopier. Days of constant rain have made it slumpier. What a mess. Good thing the cavalry is coming later this week. To the rescue: some supercool, environmentally friendly erosion control.

curlex closeup

American Excelsior Company makes this awesome biodegradable erosion control blanket called Curlex, available in 150′ rolls. It offers some benefits over straw or coconut fiber, a few other green options out there. We definitely did not want to go with polypropylene. We’ll be using the Curlex CL. Here’s what makes it better for us…

curlex in action

They’re made of barbed, interlocking aspen fibers, of all things. It allows rainwater to slowly percolate into the soil, clings to the ground to stop erosion and creates a warm, damp place for new plants to take hold. Which is exactly what we need. There’s really nothing else like it out there. I’ll let you know how it works out.

e-staple |

To secure them, we’ll be using 6″, water-resistant biodegradable stakes made from plant sugars and oils, also by Excelsior. Not petroleum based. And rather than leaving hundreds and hundreds of metal stakes in the ground forever, these E-Staples will naturally degrade slowly  — by the time they’re gone, our plants will be established.

Shiva, who’s going to be tackling that bear of a slope (with some help) bless her heart, will be able to cut right through the blanket once it’s been rolled out and dig planting holes for the new plants. The plants are ordered and on their way. Woo hoo!! Thanks for making it all happen, girlfrennn.

Before Shiva can do her magic, it now looks like we’re going to have to add soil to that rain-ravaged slope. It never recovered from the retaining wall guys turning it into a ramp…

a ramp in my slope

Once they loosened the dirt, it was bound to erode even quicker. The concrete guys still owe us 40 yards of top soil — this looks like a good place for some of it.

We have a crew we love coming as soon as the mud dries up to make it all happen. Not just on the street slope but around the entire yard where we need final grading. More heavy equipment, yay! Our neighbors are gonna love us.

rain rain... you know the rest

soiling ourselves: LEAD!

Friday, March 26th, 2010

Opened up our soil test results from UMass this week. Velly intelestink, if you find this kind of thing intelestink. To recap, we took samples from four different spots around the yard in anticipation of pulling together a nice, healthy landscape:

The Veggie Garden (VG)…

soil test | veggie garden

The Back Storage area (BS)…

soil test | back storage area

The Driveway Slope (DS)…

soil test | driveway slope

and the far side of our back yard near our neighbor’s property line (blue house). We call that Frank’s Edge (FE)…

soil test | frank edge

So, results. Let’s get right to the fun stuff. btw, ppm means parts per million.


Estimated Lead: (VG) 102 ppm, (BS) 108 ppm, (DS) 84 ppm, (FE) 3039 ppm!!!

from UMass:

< 500 ppm = Low        |     500-100 ppm = Medium

1000-3000 = High     |     > 3000 = omg Very High

Total lead levels higher than 1000 ppm are legally hazardous. Contact your state’s Department of Environmental Protection regarding removal of contaminated soil.


… young children and pregnant women should avoid soil contact. Total lead levels above 1000 ppm probably represent a hazardous waste situation.

Clearly the high lead is from paint removed from the neighbor’s house — a pretty common occurrence in New England. Luckily it’s in a spot farthest from our house. However, it’s still in our yard where Bix plays. Yikes. Soil, consider yourself GONE.


Soil pH: (VG) 6.0, (BS) 5.4, (DS) 6.4, (FE) 5.8

UMass recommendations for Veggie Garden:

Incorporate 12 lbs of ground dolomite (magnesium rich) limestone per 100 sq ft.

for Back Storage area:

Apply 50 lb of dolomitic limestone / 1000 sq ft. Apply 2 lb of phosphorous / 1000 sq ft. Apply 6 lb of potassium /1000 sq ft.

for Driveway Slope:

No limestone this year. Apply 1 lb phosphorous / 1000 sq ft. Apply 2 lb of potassium / 1000 sq ft.


Nitrogen: (VG) 7 ppm, (BS) 0 ppm, (DS) 6 ppm, (FE) n/a

Back storage area has no plants and no compost, so of course no nitrogen. That will change. I suppose they didn’t supply nitrogen info for Frank’s edge because they didn’t want to encourage me to amend the soil of death?


Organic Matter: (VG) 3.6%, (BS) 2%, (DS) 3.7%, (FE) 6.7%

UMass recommendations: desirable range 4-10%

For vegetables, if you prefer nutrients from organic sources, apply the following per 100 sq ft…

Nitrogen: 1-2 bushels well-rotted manure PLUS 1 lb dried blood

Phosphorous: 3.5 lbs steamed bone meal OR 10 lbs rock phosphate

Potassium: 5 lbs wood ash

For flowers… Apply one-haf the organic recommendation above.


All good to know. Also good to know: don’t lick the ground over by Frank’s house.

a rocky place

Monday, March 22nd, 2010

Remember that episode where Lucy and Ethel try to keep up with the chocolates whizzing past on a factory conveyor belt? That’s pretty much been my last week or two. Only it’s writing projects and where the hell is my chocolate? Anyway, I’m back. ish.

Spring is finally here in New England. I can tell because rocks and dried concrete bits are sprouting up everywhere in our otherwise desolate yard…

rock pile

I’ve been digging them up and lugging them to the curb where, hopefully, we can eventually haul them away. We’re amassing quite the pile. Better to have them out of the way before we put in the rest of the hardscaping and the beds.

In the next few weeks I need to have the yard ready for final grading and topping off with some high-quality screened loam — ideally with compost mixed in. Where are our soil test results?!

Shiva has ordered our plants for the front slope, so we need to be ready for those to go in in early April. Maybe I should just quit my factory job and deal with everything that needs to happen between now and then, eh? *sigh*

bee good, bee happy

Tuesday, March 16th, 2010

Just a quick note: David and our good friend Coryndon have signed up for a beekeeping class at CCRI. Bees! My future garden is buzzing with happiness at the thought.

we see a bee | from hop on pop

The class is called Backyard Beekeeping and starts April 1 in Warwick. Still slots open if you want to join them.

Did you see in the New York Times this weekend that soon, raising honeybees will no longer be illegal?

New York City is among the few jurisdictions in the country that deem beekeeping illegal, lumping the honeybee together with hyenas, tarantulas, cobras, dingoes and other animals considered too dangerous or venomous for city life. But the honeybee’s bad rap — and the days of urban beekeepers being outlaws — may soon be over.

Good to see a major city come to its senses, especially since urban farmers have been raising bees on rooftops in defiance of the law for decades. This is just one more manifestation of a trend that’s been gaining momentum. Obviously we’re not the only ones who fear for the honeybees given their ever shrinking habitat and colony collapse disorder. Good thing.

David will let you know how the class goes, I’m sure. Or maybe you should take a class and find out firsthand!

quick, get the flamethrower!

Monday, March 15th, 2010

I’m only kidding a little. We’re being invaded. Fuh reals. I recently wrote about my intent to keep invasive plants out of my garden. Perhaps I should clarify — when I say “invasive,”  I don’t mean plants that are a little rambunctious. I’m talking about something much more menacing.

Here’s The Nature Conservancy’s definition:

On their home turf, plant and animal populations are kept in check by natural controls, like predators and food supply. However, when a species is introduced — accidentally or intentionally — into a new landscape that is not used to its presence, the consequences can be devastating. Most of these “non-native” species do not misbehave. But some non-native species spread unchecked by the lack of natural competitors and predators.  They push out native species and cause ecological chaos. These are known as “invasive” species.

Here’s an excellent example I know you’re familiar with: Kudzu.

kudzu monsters

from Kudzu Covered Houses |

Originally from Japan, it was brought to America in 1876 as part of an international exposition. The plant was pretty, easy to grow and became increasingly popular with gardeners.

During the Great Depression of the 1930s, the Soil Conservation Service promoted kudzu for erosion control. Hundreds of young men were given work planting kudzu through the Civilian Conservation Corps.

The planting of well over a million acres of the stuff was fully subsidized by the U.S. government. The South’s balmy climate is perfect for Kudzu, so of course it thrived. And then it kicked ass. Literally. It smothers native trees and plants to death. Researchers have tried torching it, spraying it with deadly (to everyone) chemicals, and sic-ing kudzu-eating bugs and sheep on it. Now there’s talk of it being used for biofuel — I hope that catches on. Want to see awesome photos of houses being devoured by it?

purple loosestrife |

purple loosestrife |

If you live in New England, you’ve no doubt seen Purple Loosestrife choking our wetlands, marshes and meadows. Pretty in bloom, yes. But it’s a dense, aggressive grower that’s difficult to eradicate. It was brought here by settlers from Europe in the 1800s and is now displacing native grasses and other plants our local wildlife relies on for food and habitat. Purple Loosestrife has spread to every province of Canada and every contiguous state except Florida. The Department of Agriculture sees it as a threat and has been bringing in European beetles as an experiment in control. Dunno if it’s working.

Like Kudzu and Purple Loosestrife,  there are plenty of other plants listed as “noxious weeds”  by the fed and state governments. “Noxious” indicates an invasive plant considered to be such a threat that it requires an organized effort to eradicate it and is in some cases illegal to plant, propagate or sell. That said, I bought Purple Loosestrife a decade ago at a very reputable nursery and only found out afterwards it was wanted by the long arm of the law. Lesson learned: be aware so that you don’t contribute to the problem.

Pretty sure you don’t have invasive plants lurking in your garden? You might want to check. Here are just a few that look pretty innocent but are far from it where I live. These are plants I pass every day on my run through the city…

japanese barberry |

japanese barberry |

oriental bittersweet |

oriental bittersweet |

“burning bush” euonymus |

“burning bush” euonymus |

“vinca” common periwinkle |

“vinca” common periwinkle |

japanese honeysuckle |

japanese honeysuckle |

I’ll stop there. There are links below for a much longer list no matter where you live, if you’re interested. Maybe you’ll luck out and find you’re not harboring an invasive or two in your garden — unlike me.

So what can we do about it, really?

When I read things like this from the University of Rhode Island Master Gardeners site…

The two greatest threats to biological diversity around the world are habitat loss/destruction and the presence of invasive species. Nearly half of the plants and animals on the U.S. Endangered Species List are at risk because of invasive species.

and things like this from a 2010 State of the Birds report…

… nearly a third of the nation’s 800 bird species are endangered, threatened or in significant decline… [due to pesticides, invasive species and general loss of habitat]

… it only reinforces my feeling that I don’t need to add to the problem. Bees are suffering. Butterflies are suffering. Hybridizing has been hard on both, as well as the same things killing off our birds.

By eliminating invasive species from my own yard, I’m doing something. Not much, I know, but every little bit. And many sources say if you want to help pollinators make the best of an increasingly bad situation, provide at least some native perennials, shrubs and trees for food and habitat — “native” means original to North America as opposed to a plant brought here from another continent.

I confess now that not all of my plants will be native — my ginkgos and Japanese maples are obviously Asian, for instance. I do have a large number of natives, though, and will continue to add them as the garden goes in. When I post garden plans, I’ll try to identify what is and isn’t native.

In the meantime, look out, invasives. If I see you, I’m reaching for the blowtorch. Yeah, I’m talkin’ bout you, vinca.

*     *     *     *     *

Bookmarks for this post Excellent resource for info on invasives, including news updates… their Invasive Plant Atlas of the U.S. is broken out by plant types Lists by state of invasives considered to be noxious weeds Group from Cornell University that researches how non-indigenous plants affect native ecosystems and the species living in them

Invasive Plant Atlas of New England Species considered to be invasive at some level, also a list of illegal noxious weeds

Wildlife Habitat Council Lots of great resources for creating pollinator (bee and butterfly) habitats in your backyard

National Wildlife Federation How to help improve your local ecosystem by creating habitat in your yard for all kinds of wildlife — sustainability starts at home!

North American Native Plant Society An excellent plant database for restoring and conserving native plants

Your native plant society (nationwide links) is an excellent source for native plants to supplement your garden. Being in Providence, I like Garden in the Woods — the garden and shop of the New England Wildflower Society outside Boston and the RI Wild Plant Society annual sale, and there are scads of nurseries that either specialize in or offer native plants. Lists of native plants by region as well as nurseries

I’m sure there are other good books on natives, but I can highly recommend these because I own them: Native Alternatives to Invasive Plants published by the Brooklyn Botanic Garden and Native Trees, Shrubs and Vines published by the New England Wild Flower Society

man-sized rainwater collection

Tuesday, March 9th, 2010

We don’t do things a little around here. No, we go big and hairy. Even when it comes to rainwater collection. You don’t think we forgot about that when we were busy putting in retaining walls and planning the yard, do you? I’ll let my huz David tell you all about it…

flat roof

Look at that flat roof. Not only is it a great modern architecture feature, it’s great for collecting rainwater. With all the water running to one edge, the gutter to roof ratio is very low and the downspouts are easy to collect into one outlet. We knew we wanted to take advantage of our rainwater — so let’s look at the decisions we had to make to do it.

Crunching the numbers

Research on the web gave us lots of formulas and tables and charts on water collection — I’ve included links to some of those at the end of this post. Our roof is about 1,200 square feet which will generate about 720 gallons per inch of rainfall. Average annual rainfall in Rhode Island is about 33″, so we could theoretically harvest almost 27,000 gallons of water per year. That’s a lot of water! In actual practice, we won’t ever get even close to that number.

About 10% of the rainfall is lost to wetting the roof and evaporation. The filter rejects another 5%. But the main limiting factor is tank size. A heavy rain of say 3″ would produce about 2,160 gallons of water — less 15%, that leaves about 1,800 gallons we could possibly gather. The tank is 1,700 gallons and will seldom be empty enough to take a full rainfall.

What size tank?

There’s never been a garden here before, which means no historical data to refer to in order to figure out outside water usage. A rain barrel just isn’t going to do it for us — we need a tank and had to guess at how big. I suppose we could have opted for smaller than what we ended up with. But given size of the property and the opportunity to collect the maximum amount of water for just slightly more cost, why wouldn’t we go with a hella big tank?

We settled on the 1,700 gallon polypropylene, underground tank from Norwesco. Won’t rust or corrode. It’s cleared for environmentally safe, potable water, even. And by sinking the tank, that frees up more valuable outdoor space. Here are the 1,700 gal cistern specs.

Will we save money?

Yes and, um, not so much. There are multiple costs at play here. The average household served by Providence Water Board uses 75,000 gallons per year. Right now we only use about 35,000 gallons a year, less than half the average in this region — but again, none of that includes watering more than the few tomato plants we had. We pay $.0032 per gallon for water and $.0035 per gallon for sewer. That means we’ll save $.0067 for every gallon of city water we replace with rain water. Great! But we’ll have to save 463,000 gallons to break even on just the tank, filter equipment and the cost of getting it transported here. (Luckily, DIY means we’re saving on plumbing labor.) We might expect a 10 to 20-year payback, typical for green projects without state or federal incentives.

We’re trying to be smart in our garden planning. We’re planning for areas of pea gravel with a super-minimal, low-water lawn zone, a drought-tolerant plant zone, a zero-water plant zone, and so on, but obviously we can expect a decent amount of water use as we get our garden established. No doubt, all that rainwater we gather will go to good use.

The installation

Here are the down-and-dirty instructions. And here’s how an installation plays out in reality, starting with our tank arriving the week of Christmas. I knew it was huge but I hadn’t really considered that it was bigger than a Toyota…

tank delivery

We waited for our concrete guys to dig the hole for us since the backhoe was already digging our retaining walls. We had to leave it in the street, completely paranoid some drunk college kid would mow it down in daddy’s car.

tank waiting by ramp... waiting... waiting

But a week or two later, the tank was fine and the hole was finally dug…

digging the hole

Then there was the matter of getting a 400-lb. tank up a hill without it sliding back into the street.

The tank is recommended to be set on sand to provide drainage and lower the chances of a puncture. The distributor told me crushed stone would work fine, so we went with that. Once the bedding gravel was added to the hole and the tank set, my friend Joe and I did the plumbing prep work. Plumbing the tank will be a lot easier when the ground isn’t frozen like it is now, so we installed the 4″ inlet and 4″ outlet then connected pipe to get us to where the filter will be buried.

plumbing the tank

The rest of the plumbing will be buried in the spring. Next, we backfilled the hole with gravel…

filling hole with gravel

On sites where the water table is high or where there might be flooding, underground tanks have to be anchored down so they don’t pop up out of the ground when they try to float on the groundwater. They also require good drainage around and beneath so that a good New England frost heave won’t crush or shift them. Luckily, our hilltop location means excellent drainage and not having to worry about such things.

tank with more gravel

When we’re done plumbing the tank in the spring, there will also be a vent shaped like an upside-down J. A pipe will carry water from the in-tank, 12-volt pump (powered by batteries that will be charged by a small solar panel on the roof of the house, which I’ll also rig to power all of our exterior lighting) to a spigot next to the existing one that delivers city water. At least that’s the plan.

tank burying

The gravel and tank then got topped off by soil to the same grade as the rest of the yard.

tank buried

We’re waiting out the winter for the soil to settle — which it will inevitably do given the gravel. Then we’ll raise the level again with some nice loam. If it weren’t for the two manholes (we hopefully only need one), you’d never know the tank was there! Once the plantings are in, I think the manhole will hardly be noticeable.

The gadget geeks in the house will appreciate this: the filter we chose is German… because as we all know, German things are beautifully engineered.

tank filter

The Low Capacity Vortex by Wisy uses centrifugal force to push water through a fine stainless steel basket while detritus falls down the center along with about 5% of the water that goes in. That 5% passes through a second coarser filter, plus any overflow from the tank feeds into a perforated pipe where it can re-enter the water table instead of pouring into the gutter and down a storm drain. That’s better for the local soil and better for the ocean, since street and storm drain run-off can carry all kinds of nastiness. No need for us to contribute to that.

The ground should be warm enough in the weeks ahead to finish up the plumbing. Did I mention french drain? Sexy. You might want to stick around for that post.

man down!

Bookmarks for this post has a online rainwater calculator (requires javascript) has a really basic calculator (no javascript) has all the formulas if you’re feeling brave enough to do your own calculations has an interesting explanation of the mathematical principles behind the rainwater calculator posted an interesting look at somebody else’s underground tank system and associated costs

as for equipment… has some nice rainwater collection setups for residential applications

tjb has an innovative rainwater collection setup we could never afford — but wow, impressive

and if you’re really, really into it… posts everything that’s happening in rainwater collection on a daily basis — this is where you’ll learn that rainwater harvesting is a surprisingly controversial subject and even illegal in states like Colorado! links to great resources and new products. is the American Rainwater Cachement Systems Association — lots of links to lots of resources.

Rainwater collection is obviously a subject that will continue to increase in importance. I think we can expect to see many more companies jumping into the business and continued innovation in products — way beyond the standard rain barrel.