Busy day in the yard. I’ll keep it brief.
Dug the ramp to get the equipment up the slope and into the yard…
First stop: the future veggie/herb/fruit area, which until now has only been ripe with the tripping-hazard roots of straggling juniper and the unsympathetic thorns of flowering quince…
Adam scraped up the undesirables…
Rich spread the dirt around in preparation for the good loam to come in soon…
Digging of the trench alongside the house began. Water will be collected from the roof and channeled to piping that will run to the giant water collection tank…
Where there weren’t boulders in the way, there were cantankerous roots to subdue…
The trench was brought around the corner to the tank…
Then the water collection piping got sorted out…
… and hooked up.
The overflow piping starts to go in…
While David sorts out the tank piping, the boys dug out the patio area so that it will be ready for the arrival of a few inches of crushed stone tomorrow…
And Adam made quick work of removing the lead soil along the neighbor’s property line…
The nasty soil got carted over to the dump truck and hauled away…
A good sized stump made the trip as well…
We accidentally displaced some newborn snakes while digging today. These are harmless Northern Brown Snakes. They like to eat slugs, which is fine by me…
Also unearthed a relic from the days when this was the back forty for a former sizable estate at the top of the hill…
Back to the water collection tank. A massive trench was dug for the overflow piping…
When I say massive, I mean over my head…
We can now visit the Grand Canyon — without leaving home!