Posts Tagged ‘Lego’

new vacation home!

Monday, October 24th, 2011

The first-grader announced that whoever wins a game of…

crazy eights card game




















… will win this fabulous vacation home he has recently constructed in California…

vacay home 1












It has a modernist sensibility, dontcha think?

vacay home 2












View of the back. (The 7-year-old architect informs me that the green and red blocks just inside the back door are the stove)…

vacay home 3












How about that sweet upper deck?

vacay home upper deck




















I am so gonna win this game! Afterwards, you’ll find me on the lounger…

vacay home lounger












In my Luke Skywalker clothes and random blue helmet. The furrowed brow? I must be waiting for my icy cold margarita.