The last time we came across a baby snake was April 1 of last year, the day our friends the Savages started digging their heavy equipment into our yard. Two weeks earlier this year but look, it’s snake hatching time again! Spring is here.
This guy looks small even in Bix’s hands…
That little 6″ cutie is a Northern Brown, which the RI Department of Environmental Management describes as completely harmless…
I’m relieved to see snakes again. I was afraid we’d wiped them out what with all the digging. Now if we can just keep this guy away from the cat…
Tags: brown northern snake, garden
spring sprang, and a snake snucked
Very jealous. A whole year here and no snakes. 2 toads, 3 baby mantids, bunnies, woodchucks and chipmunks… But still I want snakes in the garden…
yeah, we have all the best wildlife at Chez Bettridge. you saw the mouse and the motorcycle, right?
i want woodchucks!
Mice make great sport for kitties , I highly encourage more of both.
As a gardener, you DO NOT want woodchucks (whistle pigs), but they are pretty cool to watch waddle about.