back on track!

Finally! Jake figured it out… I wasn’t to blame. WordPress wasn’t to blame. It was a glitch on our host’s part when they made an update. So now we can get back to bidness. Let’s see, where where we?


3 Responses to “back on track!”

  1. Amy says:

    Hello, Mod Remodster! I just came across your blog during a random search for cork flooring and, lo and behold, I see that you are doing your remod in RI, as are my husband and myself. Small world! Small state!

    Anyway, I love your blog. If you’re ever in Newport, e-mail us and we’ll show you our big scary pile of bricks and compare notes…

  2. Wendy says:

    I KNEW you weren’t to blame!! Welcome back!

  3. Brook says:

    hey there Amy! happy to see we’re not the only remodelers in the state. i suppose the odds were good there were a few others, right? i need to plan a trip to Newport — i’ll bring a tape measure and see if your pile of bricks beats our pile of rocks!

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